Our Admissions
கற்க கசடறக் கற்பவை கற்றபின்
நிற்க அதற்குத் தக
Thanks for your interest.
Registration for the academic year 2024-2025 is CLOSED. Submit waitlist form : Waitlist Signup
Bharathi Tamil School is affiliated to & follows the curriculum provided by International Tamil Academy, formerly known as California Tamil Academy. School student registrations are are managed via International Tamil Academy. Students will be evaluated and placed in the appropriate grades, based on the skillset link, framed by International Tamil Academy (previously known as California Tamil Academy). Follow the steps to enroll you child -
Visit International Tamil Academy Website and 'Register' with parent name and email address. Returning Parents/Students MUST use previous login and COMPLETE registration each year.
Logon to the website and go to "Parent Access" and click "Child Registration".
Fill in your child's information. Make sure you update your address. Select Bharathi Tamil School and click Submit.
Review the rules and regulation at the next screen and sign it digitally.
Review the Waiver Policy and sign it digitally.
Payment mode - Select Pay in-Person and click submit.
IMPORTANT! Fees will be collected during books distribution. Detailed instruction would be sent via email & WhatsApp
Repeat the process for siblings.
For more help, click Registration Help or contact us at BharathiTamilSchoolCT@gmail.com
Age Limits
as on Jan 01 2025
Preschool ............. 4 years old
Kindergarten......... 5 years & above
Advanced KG....... 7 years & above
Grade 1................. 6 years & above
Grade 2................. 7 years & above
Grade 3................. 8 years & above
Grade 4................. 9 years & above
Grade 5............... 10 years & above
Grade 6............... 11 years & above
Grade 7............... 12 years & above
Grade 8............... 13 years & above
Fee Structure & Refunds
Registration Fees
Our registration fees is $150 per year, charged once upfront, includes Tuition, Text Books, Handbook & School activities.
Bring your Check for Payment of school fees, when you come to pickup your textbooks and handbook.
Books would be distributed only upon receipt of Payment checks.
Your kids won't be able to attend the classes until the payment check information is updated in the CTA website.
Only Check is accepted. NO CASH. NO CARD.
Check payable to "CTTS" (Connecticut Tamil Sangam).
Fee Refund Policy
A written withdrawal request must be submitted to the Bharathi Tamil school Principal for any withdrawal from school. No refund will be processed without the written request.
Books & Handbooks once issued are not eligible for refund.
Any class that the student is absent after the registration & until we receive the withdrawal request would be considered as class attended for fee refund purposes.
Refunds would be issued after prorated deduction of Books, Handbook, Tuition & administration service fee.
Refunds shall be processed & initiated 3 weeks after the beginning of the second term.
No refund for withdrawals after the end of first term (usually week 12)
School's decision is Final.